Digital Marketing

How to Start A Successful Blog And Grow For FREE

Today I am going to show the exact and the best way to create a blog from scratch and then grow it to your first 1000 visitors to millions of visitors.

Did you ever tried blogging or wanted to get into it?

I will take you exactly through step-by-step which I have personally used and done for many people as well to grow multiple websites. Do you know that with a blog you can make $50,000 and more in a month passively?

I am a Digital Marketer and I help many people to grow their traffic to double to triple numbers. I always want to help people who are curious like with Digital Marketing and want to make passive income streams. So, I will show you exactly how to start a blog that will bring you a bunch of traffic unexpectedly.

Let’s get an eye at some stats

The website in the picture below( one of my friend) that started last year he did nothing except just writing good quality content and not major things. But just see what a drastic change came this March.

As for the website, t’s now getting thousands of visitors.

The main thing is to get high quality engaging traffic. You could have millions and millions of traffic but if they are not quality traffic and as well as if they don’t share your blog or article then its absolutely worthless.

I am telling you at first only its a number game and that’s it. More the numbers more you can make.

This is simple to remember when starting your own blog.

This is very simple and does work. I also used these steps when I started blogging. Always remember don’t use free hosting, always get your own personal domain and hosting.

  • Find hosting & a good niche related domain name.
  • Create a website and just customize it.
  • Fill it with good quality content that will give people some value and make the content keyword optimized.
  • Last but not the least Promote.

Starting your Blog Site with Bluehost

You must have heard one time or either about BlueHost. It’s a company that provides quality domain and hosting. I have also used it and I recommend everyone to use it as it has many advantages than other hosting companies.

I will show you how to set it up. It’s cheap and works very well. Goof for people with a tight or low budget.

While starting you will need to buy a hosting package to host your website live on the internet. Luckily, I have got a great deal for you and a free domain name!

A domain is basically the name of your website like mine is Don’t be tensed you will don’t have to pay for the domain name its free in BlueHost.

To receive the best deal going right now you need to click on the link here that’s going to be $3.95 a month only.

>>> Only for people who are reading this blog right now<<<

Now comes to choose the Right Plan and Domain

I would personally suggest going with the $3.95 plan. This is the best affordable plan for you!

Do you know that BlueHost can also do a free migration if you aren’t happy with your current host or you are looking to change your current hosting? The plan comes with some extra benefits, check out the picture given below.

Choosing a domain name can be hard and frustrating for you because you can not change it once you have taken it. I will recommend you to choose a simple name that is related to your blogging niche which will help you to rank in Google. ex- if you are writing a blog on a to diet or keto foods choose a domain name like or etc).

If you are going to do some serious blogging and be very active and want to build some amount of traffic then make it brandable. Always try to choose simple will people can easily remember.

All you need to choose a domain is to head over the flame domain and start clicking. If you got your wanting domain it will stand out to you.

In the of BlueHost, t will take you to the domain section after you have chosen a plan. If you have already a domain from elsewhere you can transfer it to BlueHost without any hesitations so that your both domain and hosting remains under one roof and you don’t have to panic.

Just put your eyeballs once here and see if the domain name is free!

Once you have chosen your domain and clicked next you will be asked to put your personal details and payment details.

You will get each and every detail of your package after that like this.

Now that’s so simple, right? Just follow the instructions carefully and you are on the way to make a successful blog.

I think that so far you are finding it easy. I could go deep down into the pricing but there is no reason as BlueHost is the best cheap hosting you will find anywhere which fix with any kind of budget.

The next thing is Installing WordPress and a Few Basic Settings.

This step is also very easy just a piece of cake! You need to simply click some buttons to get started. And that’s it BlueHost will automatically install WordPress for you.

The thing you need to do after that is to create your credentials (i.e. Username and Password).

Just a few steps remaining, now you need to choose how your website will look like with choosing a theme. Don’t worry you can change your theme anytime you want to change.

Once you have done it and that’s all done!

Congratulations you have made your WordPress blogging time in no time.

After that you will be taken to a screen like this given below that says “Start Building” just click that button.

You will end up here.

Now you just need to launch your Website.

Follow the instructions carefully in the pictures given below by clicking below “BlueHost” then “Home” then “Launch”.

Now you need to name the blog and click “Next Step”.

Congratulations! You have made it and just created your amazing website and now you can start blogging.

Now you will be taken to the backend of your website that will look like this.

This is where you can do anything you want do you can customize your site make changes do live chats and many more, there are a ton of options here see the image above.

Personally I love using BlueHost because they have the functionality for the automatic WordPress install or you can say one-click install.

Other hosting providers can make you install by yourself which leads up to failure maximum time and it’s confusing and time-consuming as well.

Now that you have all things done its time to get quality traffic.

Getting High-Quality traffic flowing to Your Blog

I am going to show you step by step method that how I bring traffic to my websites which gets engaging in my blogs.

The best part is this is the free methods to get high-quality traffic yo your blogs which won’t cost you a cent.

If you are a newbie I should tell you that bringing traffic to your blogs or website is the most important part. Without traffic your blogs or website is dead.

Ranking for Small volume Keywords

I am going to cover this thing first because you need to implement this thing while creating articles.

This is a huge traffic source according to me but people often overlook it. You must not target a specific keyword only while writing an article and keep on sticking to that one keyword. Use different keywords also.

I choose multiple keywords with low competition that will help me to the front page without any backlinks. Don’t trust me then just do a search in google with (Digital Marketing Poem or Poem of Digital Marketing) and then you can see that this website ranks on the first page.

I choose keywords with low search volume something like 350-400 a month and sprinkle it to every place in my articles that help them to get ranked very well.

If I get to the front page for 5 of those keywords and they have a 300 search volume per month each then that adds up to 1500 a month.

If you have multiple blog posts or articles doing this then you have a high potential to rank at the top. Once your domain gets older it becomes stronger and will rank better and faster like this.

See the website has nearly 4000 keywords showing up in Google and many of them are on the front pages of Google.

You can also show up for some large search terms with the competition but I will recommend you to choose easy low search with low competition keywords at first when starting.

This is how you can do it.

When you write a blog open google keyword planner in a side tab. There will be a section for getting more keywords head to that and write your focus keyword and you will get a bunch of relevant keywords. ick out the low competition keywords as I told before and sprinkle it into your article.

So now you should pick 2 to 3 keywords from the low volume keywords and punch it into your article.

Over time Google will recognize your article and keep indexing it and pushing it to the first page of SERP. There is no timeline that after putting one article only you will start ranking, you have to randomly keep posting good quality content with keywords to rank faster.

Niche Related Comments

You must find other blogs that are related to your niche and start commenting in them this adds up a slow traffic path.

Don’t stop commenting until you get a nice consistent flow of traffic. The more comments the more flow you get.

Head over to Google SERP and do a normal search with your targeted keyword like this.

Pro Tip: Find articles that are new, like a week old to an st hour and comment on those. If the post in which you are commenting gets popular your comment will go at the top. You will definitely get good traffic if the post or article gets popular.

Don’t forget to mention that you also write articles in the same niche and give your website URL there so that people and the author can come to your website to read yours. But remember write a natural comment don’t just spam all around.

Become Active on Social Forums or your Niche related Forum

Find forums that are related to your blogging niche and be active on them. Write engaging articles, answers etc on the forums but naturally and give your website link in them, you can simply write your URL or make a hyperlink.

Some great forums are Quora and Reddit.

The more you are active here and help people with your writings you will get traffic. Try to use your username that’s related to your website or even the site name because when people will search it on google both your website and the writing comes together.

Create and use The Right Social Media Platforms

You must create social media platforms of your website. Build each one of them and post engaging content related to your daily blog posts.

I use Twitter when I first started my blog, Twitter has got 330 million monthly users in 2019. And you can use it because I got results with that and you will also get that’s my guarantee. Don’t forget to add niche related #hastags.

Post on Facebook Groups

This is a little outside of creating a social media profile but I will say you must create an Instagram and a Facebook page for your website and post regularly. Here you will post on other people groups related to your website niche about things related to the niche must add value to it and give your website name or URL there.


I am going to end up here because that’s all there really is to it. I told each and everything step-by-step of how you can create a blog and bring traffic into it. Anyone can try this method above that’s how easy they are.

You can create your blog and gain thousands of visits in a month by following the above methods.

So building up blogs and ranking it will take some time but when you kickstart it you will get results surely and this all works in 2019 and will work ahead in 2020 and so on.

Let me know in the comments if you have any question regarding this.

Arijit Biswas

Hi, I'm Arijit Paul Biswas an aspiring blogger with an obsession for all things tech. This blog is dedicated to helping people learn about Digital Marketing and Making Money Online.

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