Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization Basics

The SEO basics points are as follows-

The most important thing that everyone knows is Content is the King. Everyone knows that content should be unique and should not be copied from anywhere, content should be very good like it should have some values in the reader’s life. People use black hat techniques also to rank in Google’s SERP but I will recommend never to use black hat SEO always use white hat SEO(like the heading and body of the content should be related).

Try to write your content with very easy and unstable words, don’t write very broad, try to give your detailed and important points in brief and short. If you can create content keeping in mind the above things it will be SEO d automatically. Always concentrate in your context and the main topic of your content don’t add something which is not related to your main topic of the content.

On-page SEO

The next important thing is On-page optimisation. Everyone writes their own content and publish it on the internet, but anytime did anyone thought that his or her topic will be indexed by the crawlers of Google or not? So, for Google to index your page follow some tips like you have to write your content like its readability should be best. You have to put H1 tag then H2 than H3, paragraphs etc… These things are very important, you should make Google understand your way of writing(means you have to make a well-structured content).


The next important tip is BRANDiNG. Branding is very important. For example, take you have typed in the google Motorcycle helmet and there comes four to five results like Amazon, Flipkart, revzilla, cycle gear, motorcycle house etc.,so an in which website a person will click, he will always click on Amazon or Flipkart without thinking twice because he knows that Amazon or Flipkart is a famous brand but not the other websites.

Now, this is important how a person will do branding with his or her products website or anything, so you can do social media marketing SEM. So you need to be active in social media platforms and have to be engaged with it. You can put your brand ads in it and make your brand famous. So start doing work in social media and build your brand.

UI/UX design

The next important tip is to improve your UI/UX design. UI stands for user interface and UX stands for user experience, UI means how your websites look, what colours are used in your website, what fonts are used and many more. UX means when a person lands on your website how much time the person spends, how much time your website is taking to open, is there any pop-ups or ads on your website or your websites navigation buttons are not working and many more. Like this your UX becomes bad and google takes time to index it. So always make sure that your UI and UX is good.

Mobile friendly

The next main point is that you should make your site mobile friendly, Your site should be mobile friendly because googles algorithm prefers the sites more which are mobile-friendly. Your site should have UI and UX good as I have mentioned above with it should have UI/UX good in mobile phones. In today’s world, people use mobiles more than a pc or laptop to surf the internet and in the coming world, this trend will increase. If you have a coding website tell your coder to do the mobile optimisation and if it is made on WordPress or Wix etc then you can do it by yourself.


The next important tip is to add videos to your content. Try to add more and more videos to your content. If someone’s land to your website or blog if the person finds some videos he will hopefully see them and you’re dual time(overall time spent) in the website increases. According to studies, it shows us that by 2021 people will see more videos rather than reading something on the internet. The interest in videos is increasing rapidly. And also by putting videos, there must be something good for you. If your content is not that good but the video you have placed on the website is awesome then your ranking will increase in SERP because people will watch that video and the views will increase.

Voice Search

The next important thing is the trending voice search( OK Google, Hey Siri). This voice search is taking the market. Most of the people are now using voice search, to search something in google. Google is the biggest search engine it index the thing and gives results very fast. For example a few days ago beside my house, one baby was crying. Her mother did voice search in Google that “My baby is crying from the morning and didn’t eat anything”(in Bengali) within a second the answer came. So think how fast Google is indexing any language and giving the answer.


So this is how Google has made a very friendly interface. Like this, we will also have to make our website friendly. To find the keywords relevant to your domain or website content, by this, your website will rank in voice search. If you put an SSL certificate on your website then it will increase the chances. Google says that the index or show the website which is secure. Your page speed should be fast like it should not take 4 to 5 seconds to open.

The last important point is Social shares. Google sees how many social shares are coming for your page or website. So do as much as you can social sharing because social media marketing plays a vital role in SEO. Also, try to put backlinks of your websites. Backlinks do not play a vital role but it is a little bit important.

Arijit Biswas

Hi, I'm Arijit Paul Biswas an aspiring blogger with an obsession for all things tech. This blog is dedicated to helping people learn about Digital Marketing and Making Money Online.

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